Jan Goodey is a British artist and maker living and working in Cumbria. She has spent most of her life involved with art; either as a maker or as an educator. She believes she is just beginning to get the hang of it.
Titles and words are always important to her, sometimes they give a starting point to explore an idea or they sum it up succinctly. Her three dimensional drawings are often of objects as ideas or metaphors. A curiosity about materials and process are at the heart of the work, which is often labour intensive and intricate.
Integrating surface and form is a continuous engagement, as in nature where surfaces are eroded and polished by weathering. Metal and clay are combined within the structure of some sculptures to deform and melt into the clay in the heat of the kiln. In the Shelters Series for instance, they form a part of the process; destroying any possibility of security.
Jan is fascinated by the physicality of the land, including man made structures, archaelogy, ancient artefacts. geology, mines, quarries and the methods of recording them like mapping and LiDAR imagery. She collects rocks and stones and deconstructed, decayed objects - her house is disappearing beneath them!